Sunday, October 2, 2011

Of Life's Certainties...

...Toxins are one of them. It doesn't matter who you see today, we are all inundated with toxins. Environmental and metabolic, internal and external, male and female. Whether it's the old water bottle you refuse to throw out, the computer you're using to read this blog or the apple you had with lunch, toxins accumulate within us on a daily basis. So the question is not "are you toxic?" but "how toxic are you?".

One could go crazy thinking about all the factors contributing to their toxicity. The mindset that helps me is whether you make them or intake them, get rid of them. The best way I know how to rid the body of toxins is a detox supported by medical food. This week I'll be keeping a journal as I go through the 7 day detox that I recommend to many of my patients.

The plan is simple:
  • Eat unlimited amounts of one green, organic veggie per day and change the veggie each day.
  • My veggie choices are: green beans, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts,
    cauliflower, green and red cabbage, kale, lettuce (romaine, red leaf, green leaf, and mustard greens), peppers (red, green, yellow, and hot), spinach, zucchini.
  • Take unlimited amounts of medical food. I'll be using UltraClear Renew and Estrium (I'll explain why these products and what they do tomorrow).
My last 7 day detox was back in January and it put me on a great path towards wellness. After being sidetracked by a few of life's stresses, I am ready to get back on track.

If this blog educates you, great. If it inspires you, even better!

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