Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 4: Brussels Sprouts

Thanks to my neighbors at Green Acres Market, I got a little mid-week help in the greens department. I knew I had a long day ahead of me, the possibility of a mid-week slump in motivation, and poor sprout cooking skills. By talking with the head of the market's deli yesterday I was able to find out her menu for today and stay on course. On top of that, she let me know what she was cooking for the following two days. This further helps my planning so I know there's a backup in case it's needed. Utilizing your local, organic market to assist you a day or two can make all the difference.

A quick update on how I'm doing. The past two days at the office have been completely booked. What's more, is I've been running the front and back due to my secretary being ill. Despite all this I have actually had more energy than in previous weeks. Hunger has yet to be an issue and my cravings have turned to foods not normally associated with cravings: almond butter, lara bar, eggs. I attribute this success so far to the fact that this is a detox and not just your average cleanse. The difference between these will be outlined tomorrow.

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